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Buying Tickets

by Tyler

This week we found a renter for the house. With the final big step for leaving out of the way it was time to order the plane tickets. We pulled up a few websites to look at prices and managed to find an incredibly cheap fare for $440 apiece from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Glasgow, Scotland (one-way).

I realized that buying tickets would make this trip 'real' and I was surprised by my trepidation.

I had butterflies in my stomach as I sat in front of the computer trying to come up with reasons why we should wait, why it wouldn't be prudent to commit, why we should leave things a little more open ended 'just in case'.

I've gotten so wrapped up in the planning of it all that this trip has become almost mythical to me. After telling the 100th person what we are doing and why it just rolls off the tongue like some well rehearsed story, no big deal, oh so commonplace. I realized that buying tickets would make this trip 'real' and I was surprised by my trepidation.

After thinking about it for a few minutes I realized that the fearful thoughts I was having were exactly the kind of thinking that prevent ideas like this from becoming a reality.

We bought them and now all we have to do is save, save save!
