Mongolian Road Trip: Driving the Steppe

Mongolian Road Trip: Driving the Steppe

Trapped in no-man's land at 8000ft in a blizzard on a Friday evening, unsure if the border would be open on the weekend, we met up with three teams of care-free adventurers participating in the Mongol Rally.

Thus, we spent a month in Mongolia, driving across the steppe, cruising through the Gobi desert, past gers, camels, temples, and many a skeleton of perished beasts. The country was stunning, vast, and beautifully spartan.

We cooked as a team, made camp as a team, fixed a plethora of car problems as a team, and fully experienced all the highs and lows of group travel.

When we reached our destination of Ulaanbaatar (the capital of Mongolia), we tackled the difficult logistics of selling our car, then rebuilt our bicycles, and caught a plane to Thailand.

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