Land Hunting: Finding our Homestead

Land Hunting: Finding our Homestead

Shortly after returning from our world bicycle tour, we dove into the planning of our next big adventure: starting a self-sustaining homestead. The most difficult part of this process by far was figuring out where we wanted to live.

Starting with a map of the USA, we managed to narrow our search down to Vermont, a state we fell in love with during a house-sitting gig in New England.

Next, we began scouring the internet for properties in our price range. Through tentative trial, naive error, and the eventual experience of visiting about four dozen properties over the course of two trips to Vermont, we were ready to take the plunge.

So, nervous and excited, we made an offer on a small plot of land. Many unforeseen ups and downs later, we closed the deal, becoming the proud owners of a 10-acre, maple-wooded hilltop, nestled in the southwest corner of Vermont.

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